Eight teams try their luck at Investor Festival Norðanáttar

Eight companies have been selected to participate in the Investor Festival Norðanáttar which will take place in Sydney on March 20th. 

Geosilica participated in the Investor Festival Norðanáttar in 2023

Investor Festival Norðanáttar was first held in 2022 to fantastic reviews from investors and other key players in the innovation ecosystem from around the country. The first year there were projects from North Iceland that participated, but due to the success of the festival, the organisers decided to open the event to businesses and entrepreneurs from all over the country. This year there will be no change.

The festival is a platform for entrepreneurs and businesses looking for capital and willing to bring investors to the table. The aim of the festival is also to highlight opportunities for development in the business sector and promote innovation around rural resources, which is a good opportunity to make connections and take the first step towards future cooperation. 

Fifteen applications were received this year from all regions of the country, with the projects selected for participation at the Investor Festival Norðanáttar 2024 are: 

Aurora Abalone - Framtíðarlausn fyrir sjálfbæra skelfiskframleiðslu á landinu (Suðurnes)
Circula/Recoma - Recoma
gives new life to garbage (South)
FoodSmart Nordic- FoodSmart Nordic produces high quality hydrolysed seafood proteins, including collagen and sea cucumber powder. The fresh ingredients come from local environments that support quality, sustainability and the circular economy. (N-West)
Humble – Reduce food waste with humble! (Capital Region and Sandgerði)
Munasafn - Við bjóðum upp á innviði fyrir sveitarfélög og sveitarfélög til að stjórna og deila hlutum. (Capital Region)
Nanna Lín - Nanna Lín The product is leather made of salmon erythema in the metre, the skin is broken down and reshaped into wide before being tanned into leather. (N-east)
Surova - Gerð tækni til að vaxa grænmeti sem er gott fyrir þig og jörðina. (Capital Region)
Forest products - Enlargement of a processing plant for environmentally friendly Icelandic wood products (East)

The selection committee consisted of Ragnheiður H. Magnúsdóttir at Nordic Ignite, Hólmfríður Sveinsdóttir at Hólar University, Ásta Sóllilja Guðmundsdóttir at Klak Icelandic Startups, Hreinn Þór Hauksson at Icelandic Securities, Edda Konráðsdóttir at Iceland Innovation Week and Marta Hermannsdóttir at Eyri Ventures.

To the project Norðanátt
EIMUR and the regional associations in North Iceland SSNE and SSNV are supported by the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate. 

Sponsors of the 2024 Investor Festival are the Technology Development Fund, KPMG, Innovation Fund and KEA.




Investor Festival Norðanáttar 2024 - Open for applications